HomeNewsWhen will Minnesota e-bike Rebate Application Reopen

When will Minnesota e-bike Rebate Application Reopen

The date and time for when Minnesota e-bike Rebate applications will reopen have not been determined. The Minnesota Department of Revenue will provide at least four days’ notice of the date and time of the reopening through our normal channels – press release, social media posts, and email. You can sign-up to receive these email updates directly.

Due to the popularity and high demand for these rebates, when it does reopen, we expect the application site to be available for a short period of time. We will accept 10,000 submissions to fill the applicant pool. You will not be able to access the rebate application after we reach this limit. We expect to award about 1,300 rebates this year.

Why were some applications accepted?

Fewer than 80 applicants successfully submitted applications between when it opened at 11 a.m. and when we announced the process was being paused and closed at 1:30 p.m. We understand the frustration in the acceptance of these submissions, but they are considered valid submissions under the enabling law. We have notified these submitters by email.

When will the next update be?

We will send another update when we have the date and time for when the application process will reopen.

The Minnesota Department of Revenue and Minnesota IT Services recognize the inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.


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