HomeGoogle Scholar WebsiteUsing University College Cork (UCC) Lib with Google scholar

Using University College Cork (UCC) Lib with Google scholar

Using University College Cork (UCC) Lib with Google scholar

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Profiles are useful for capturing citations information if you publish in disciplines which are not well covered by databases like Web of Science or Scopus. Google Scholar covers more disciplines and a wider range of scholarly material available on the internet and you will generally observe higher numbers of publications and higher citation counts for your publications.

You can set up your own Google Scholar Profile by following the guide below.

Sample Google Scholar Citation Profile

How do I access UCC eResources via Google Scholar?

  • On-Campus Access

You can search Google Scholar and follow any relevant results/links as normal. You will be prompted to login using your UCC email and password.

  • Off-Campus Access

You need to make Google Scholar aware of your UCC affiliation by availing of the Google Scholar “Library Links” feature, which can be found at the following link: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_settings?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#2

Ensure that “University College Cork – OneSearch @ UCC Library” is ticked.

If you do not see an entry for UCC, you can add it by entering “university college cork” into the search box provided.

Once this setting is enabled, you will see the “OneSearch @ UCC Library” link appear next to Google Scholar search results for which UCC has a subscription.

Following this link will allow you to authenticate and access the desired article.

Note:  Google Scholar requires that you enable cookies in your browser to retain this setting between sessions.


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