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Scholarly Articles for France: A Comprehensive Guide

Scholarly Articles for France: A Comprehensive Guide – Are you a researcher or a student looking for scholarly articles on various subjects related to France? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of research databases and resources that provide access to high-quality scholarly articles covering a wide array of topics, including language, literature, film, culture, history, and more. Whether you are interested in French literature, film studies, or interdisciplinary humanities research, these databases will help you find the information you need. Let’s dive in!

French Language and Literature

1. MLA International Bibliography with Full Text

The MLA International Bibliography is a valuable resource for researchers in the field of language and literature. It provides access to scholarly, international journals, books, and more, covering various aspects of language, literature, composition, folklore, and film. With coverage dating back to the late 19th century, this database is an excellent starting point for finding scholarly articles on French literature, language, and related subjects.

2. Gallica

Gallica, a digital library created by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, offers a vast collection of freely available digitized books, images, and sound resources in their original French. It includes prestigious publications, dictionaries, periodicals, and primary sources. Gallica is a valuable resource for researchers interested in exploring primary sources related to French language, literature, and culture.

3. French XX Bibliography

The French XX Bibliography is a specialized index that lists books, articles, and book reviews focused on French literature and cinema. It serves as a comprehensive guide for researchers looking for scholarly articles and critical analyses of French literary works, as well as studies on French cinema.


ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language) is an implementation of the FRANTEXT database. It provides access to a wide range of texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to non-fiction prose and technical writing. With coverage spanning from the 12th to the 20th centuries, ARTFL is a valuable resource for researchers interested in exploring primary sources related to French language and literature.

5. Cairn.info

Cairn.info is an online platform that provides access to a wide range of French scholarly journals. It covers various disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, sociology, and more. With its extensive collection of scholarly articles, Cairn.info is a valuable resource for researchers looking for in-depth analysis and research in the field of French studies.

6. Érudit

Érudit is a Canadian platform that offers online access to scholarly articles from Canada and North America in French. It covers various disciplines, including literature, social sciences, humanities, and more. With its extensive collection of scholarly articles, Érudit is a valuable resource for researchers interested in exploring research conducted in French-speaking countries.

7. Fabula

Fabula is an online platform that provides access to scholarly articles about language and literature. It covers a wide range of topics, including literary theory, literary analysis, and cultural studies. With its diverse collection of articles, Fabula is a valuable resource for researchers interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of French literature and culture.

8. Glottopol

Glottopol is an online journal maintained by the University of Rouen, France, focusing on sociolinguistics. It publishes scholarly articles on various aspects of sociolinguistics, including language variation, language policy, language ideologies, and more. Glottopol is a valuable resource for researchers interested in the sociolinguistic aspects of the French language.

9. Persée

Persée is an online platform that offers free access to over 800,000 scientific publications in a variety of fields. It covers a wide range of topics, including literature, history, sociology, linguistics, and more. With its extensive collection of scholarly articles, Persée is a valuable resource for researchers looking for interdisciplinary research in the French context.

Film Studies

1. Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text

The Film and Television Literature Index is a comprehensive resource for researchers interested in the study of film and television. It provides access to scholarly and popular information covering various aspects of film and television studies, including theory, preservation, production, cinematography, and more. With coverage from the 20th century to the present, this database is an excellent starting point for finding scholarly articles on French cinema.

2. Film Studies Guide

The Film Studies Guide is a compilation of databases and resources specifically curated for film studies researchers. It includes databases such as French XX Bibliography, JSTOR, and Project Muse, which provide access to scholarly articles, books, and other resources related to film studies. This guide serves as a valuable tool for researchers looking for interdisciplinary approaches to the study of French cinema.

3. Gale Literary Criticism

Gale Literary Criticism is an authoritative source of literary criticism that summarizes authors’ lives and works, including excerpts from scholarly articles. While it should never be directly cited, it can serve as a useful starting point for researchers looking for critical analyses and interpretations of French literary works. Always refer to the original sources of the articles cited in Gale Literary Criticism.

Interdisciplinary Humanities Research

1. SocIndex with Full-Text

SocIndex with Full-Text is a comprehensive sociology research database that encompasses all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. It covers various topics, including anthropology, criminology, demography, gender studies, political sociology, and more. With its extensive collection of scholarly articles, SocIndex with Full-Text is a valuable resource for researchers interested in interdisciplinary research in the humanities, including French studies.

2. EuroDocs

EuroDocs is a collection of Western European primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. It covers various periods of European history and includes documents related to France. EuroDocs is a valuable resource for researchers interested in exploring primary sources for interdisciplinary humanities research, including French history, literature, and culture.

3. Historical Abstracts

Historical Abstracts is a comprehensive resource for researchers interested in the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from the 15th century to the present. It covers various aspects of history, including military history, women’s history, history of education, history of science, and more. Historical Abstracts includes secondary source articles from journals, as well as books and book reviews, making it a valuable resource for interdisciplinary humanities research related to France.

4. Humanities Source

Humanities Source is a multidisciplinary database that provides access to journals, books, and other published sources from around the world in all aspects of the humanities. It covers various disciplines, including archaeology, art, classical studies, film, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religion, and more. Humanities Source is a valuable resource for researchers looking for interdisciplinary research and critical analysis in the field of French studies.

Multidisciplinary Databases


JSTOR is a widely used database that provides access to historical and recent journals, books, and images in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. While it covers a broad range of topics, it also includes research related to French studies. With its vast collection of primary sources, JSTOR is a valuable resource for researchers looking for interdisciplinary research in the context of France.

2. Project Muse

Project Muse offers access to scholarly journals and ebooks in both the humanities and social sciences. It covers various disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, sociology, and more. Most journals covered in Project Muse are up to date, providing researchers with access to the latest research in their fields. The ebooks section includes titles in Global Cultural Studies, Poetry, Fiction & Creative Non-Fiction, making it a valuable resource for researchers interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the study of France.

3. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) provides access to free, peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journals from around the world. While it covers a wide range of topics, it includes journals that publish research related to French studies. DOAJ is a valuable resource for researchers interested in accessing open access scholarly articles in the field of French studies.

Scholarly Articles for France

In conclusion, these research databases and resources provide a wealth of scholarly articles and resources for researchers and students interested in various aspects of French studies. Whether you are exploring French literature, film studies, or interdisciplinary humanities research, these databases will help you find the information you need. Happy researching!


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