HomeCall for ApplicationPhoto Award Fondation Yves Rocher – Visa pour l’Image Prize 2024

Photo Award Fondation Yves Rocher – Visa pour l’Image Prize 2024

Photo Award Fondation Yves Rocher – Visa pour l’Image Prize 2024 – The call for entries for the Photo Prize is open! Apply until May 19, 2024. The Yves Rocher Foundation Photo Prize is awarded to a professional photographer who wishes to produce a journalistic work on issues related to the environment, the relationship between humans and the Earth, and the major challenges of sustainable development.


Do you work as a photojournalist?

Does your engaged photographic work address issues related to the environment, human-earth relationships, or major sustainable development challenges?

Do you write and speak in French or English?

Then nothing can stop you… send your application to the Yves Rocher Foundation!


Produced in partnership with Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan, it offers you the opportunity to receive a grant of €8,000.

Additionally, your work will be exhibited at the Festival Photo La Gacilly. It will also be showcased at the International Festival of Photojournalism “VISA POUR L’IMAGE – Perpignan”

How do I participate?

You can submit your application until Friday, May 19, 2024 at midnight.


Photo Award Visa Pour l’Image 2023 – Yves Rocher Foundation

Règlement 2023

Download the Photo Award Visa Pour l’Image 2023 rules here :

Rules 2024.pdf

Article 1

The Yves Rocher Foundation, recognised for its public interest and headquartered at La Forêt Neuve – Glénac – La Gacilly in the Morbihan department of France, represented by its President Mr Jacques Rocher, is organising a photography competition as part of its various photography initiatives.

The Yves Rocher Foundation Photography Award is granted to a professional photographer seeking to produce a photo essay on issues related to the environment, relationships between humans and the Earth, or the major challenges of the green transition.

The Award comes with €8,000 in prize money, funded by the Yves Rocher Foundation.

The Award will be granted to an individual photojournalist, hereafter referred to as the “applicant”, in their name, and not to a group. The Award’s prize money is intended to enable the winning photographer to complete the photo essay project presented in their application for the award.


Article 2

There are no application fees. The competition is open from 3 April 2024 to 19 May 2024. Applications can be submitted on the following website:


The application pack

Article 3

The conditions for the award are:

• to be working as a photojournalist; and

• being able to write and speak in French or English.

Send an application via the WIIN platform, including :

  1. A curriculum vitae.
  2. A cover letter from the applicant containing a description of their photo essay project (maximum 1 typed page). This letter must not contain any information identifying the applicant.
  3. A provisional budget for funding the photo essay project.

Note: In the event of additional funding for the project from other partners, the applicant must provide the names of these partners for approval by the Yves Rocher Foundation, which reserves the right not to mention them.

  1. A photo essay produced in black and white or in colour: between 12 and 20 images maximum (see accepted format).
  2. Scans from publications where appropriate.
  3. A copy of the photographer’s identity document.
  4. A sworn statement that they work as a photojournalist.

The photographs provided must comply with the following criteria :


• JPEG format only (TIFF and EPS formats are not permitted).

• IPTC fields completed (captions and copyright) and a PDF file of the captions.

• Maximum file size per image: 3 MB.

• Image files must be named and numbered in the desired order of projection for the jury.

Note: Applications that do not meet the technical criteria set out above will be disqualified from the competition.

• To maintain the anonymity of the files, no mention of the applicant’s identity should be visible in the images.


Article 4

The jury, made up of personalities from the world of photography and the environment, will convene at the end of June 2024 to designate the winner of the Award who will be announced and awarded their prize at an evening event at the International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan” during the first week of September 2023.

The Award winner will be granted the amount of €8,000 (eight thousand euros) in two instalments : half when the prize is awarded so that they can start work on the project and the remaining half when the winner informs the Foundation of their departure to produce their photo essay.

Also Apply: The Tällberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prizes Award 2024

The winner agrees to :

  1. Complete their photo essay by 30 March 2025 at the latest to allow for :

• the potential exhibition of their work at the La Gacilly Photo Festival which will take place from June 2025 to September 2025 in La Gacilly (date to be confirmed)

• the potential presentation of their work in the form of a screening event during the 37th International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan”, to take place over the first week of September 2025.

  1. Refrain from submitting their photo essay for any other awards, competitions or scholarships before its presentation at the La Gacilly Photo Festival in June 2025.
  2. Refrain from publishing the photographs taken for the project being submitted for the Award before its presentation at the International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan” in September 2025.
  3. Include the reference “Winner of the Yves Rocher Foundation Photography Award” in all publications and communications concerning the photo essay.
  4. Donate three high-definition photographs to the Yves Rocher Foundation, along with a portrait of themselves, for communication purposes related to the Award.
  5. Donate three photographs to the Yves Rocher Foundation once they have completed their work for the Award and also provide the Foundation with high-definition files of the full photo essay produced for the Award on a CD-ROM or hard disk.
  6. Be present in Perpignan (in accordance with the health measures applicable at the time) during the screening event for the International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan” in September 2024 when the prize will be awarded to the winner by a representative from the Yves Rocher Foundation.
  7. Refrain from announcing that they are to receive the Yves Rocher Photography Award before the official announcement at the International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan” in September 2024.
  8. Not to propose a documentary using artificial intelligence software

The jury

Article 5

The jury is made up of personalities from the world of photography and the environment and will grant the Award on the basis of the professional qualities of the applicants, the photographs submitted and the relevance and originality of the project. The jury is solely responsible for the decision which will be based on a majority vote at the end of the deliberations. Its decision is final. The jury may decide not to grant an Award if it considers that the applications submitted do not justify its attribution.


Article 6

The Yves Rocher Foundation and Images Évidence expressly reserve the right, if circumstances so require, to cancel the granting of the Award under these regulations at any time and for any reason whatsoever.

Third-party rights

Article 7

Participants must take out their own insurance policy and guarantee to the Yves Rocher Foundation that the works they present do not directly or indirectly infringe the rights of any third parties and/or that they have obtained from these parties the necessary authorisations and the transfer of rights for use on any medium for potential reproductions and/or exhibitions under the terms of Article 4.

Registration and consultation of the rules and regulations

Article 8

These rules and regulations will be sent free of charge to any person who requests them from the Yves Rocher Foundation. French law is the only law applicable to these rules. In the event of a dispute, only the French version of the rules shall be deemed binding.

For more information: Visit the website for Photo Award Fondation Yves Rocher – Visa pour l’Image Prize 2024


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