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Mike Z. Shou: A Pioneer in Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos

Mike Z. Shou: A Pioneer in Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos – Mike Z. Shou, a prominent name in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition, has made significant contributions to the domain of temporal action localization in untrimmed videos. His research focuses on developing innovative algorithms and architectures to precisely identify and locate actions in videos that are untrimmed and longer in duration. This article explores some of his groundbreaking works and their impact on the field.

Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos

Temporal action localization involves the identification and localization of actions within a video. In the context of untrimmed videos, which contain a wide range of activities and actions, the task becomes more challenging due to the presence of irrelevant content and variations in action durations. Mike Z. Shou has dedicated his research to develop effective solutions for this problem, utilizing deep learning techniques and novel architectures.

Multi-Stage CNNs for Temporal Action Localization

One of Mike Z. Shou’s notable contributions is the use of Multi-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for temporal action localization. This approach involves dividing the task into multiple stages, each addressing a specific aspect of the problem. By incorporating context information from multiple temporal scales, the multi-stage CNNs can effectively capture long-range dependencies and improve the accuracy of action localization.

Precise Temporal Action Localization with CDC

In collaboration with his team, Mike Z. Shou introduced the Convolutional-Deconvolutional Networks (CDC) for precise temporal action localization in untrimmed videos. This architecture combines the power of convolutional and deconvolutional layers to refine the temporal boundaries of actions. By iteratively refining the boundaries, CDC achieves state-of-the-art performance in accurately localizing actions in untrimmed videos.

ConvNet Architecture Search for Spatiotemporal Feature Learning

Mike Z. Shou’s research also extends to the design of ConvNet architectures for spatiotemporal feature learning. He employs architecture search techniques to automatically explore and optimize the network architecture for extracting informative spatiotemporal features from videos. This approach enables the network to learn discriminative representations and improves the performance of various video analysis tasks.

Single Shot Temporal Action Detection

To address the limitations of existing methods that require multiple stages for action detection, Mike Z. Shou proposed the Single Shot Temporal Action Detection framework. This framework leverages the power of temporal sliding windows and anchor-based action proposals to detect actions in a single pass. By eliminating the need for multi-stage processing, this approach achieves real-time action detection in untrimmed videos.

Ego4D: Exploring Egocentric Videos

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou explored the world of egocentric videos through the Ego4D project. Egocentric videos provide a unique perspective and present challenges in action recognition and localization. The team developed novel algorithms and datasets to analyze and understand the rich temporal dynamics and contextual information present in egocentric videos.

Autoloc: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

To alleviate the annotation burden in temporal action localization, Mike Z. Shou and his colleagues introduced Autoloc, a weakly-supervised learning framework. This framework utilizes only video-level labels during training, eliminating the need for precise frame-level annotations. Autoloc leverages the power of attention mechanisms to automatically discover discriminative spatiotemporal regions associated with actions, improving localization accuracy.

Low-Shot Learning with Covariance-Preserving Adversarial Augmentation Networks

Mike Z. Shou’s research also extends to the domain of low-shot learning, where limited labeled data is available for training. He introduced Covariance-Preserving Adversarial Augmentation Networks, which leverage deep generative models to augment the training data. By preserving the data distribution and generating realistic samples, this approach improves the performance of low-shot learning tasks, including temporal action localization.

Deep Tensor ADMM-Net for Snapshot Compressive Imaging

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou developed the Deep Tensor ADMM-Net for Snapshot Compressive Imaging. This novel architecture combines deep learning techniques with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to reconstruct high-quality images from compressed measurements. The Deep Tensor ADMM-Net achieves superior performance in snapshot compressive imaging tasks, including video reconstruction.

DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues

To address the challenge of generating discriminative motion cues from compressed video data, Mike Z. Shou proposed the DMC-Net framework. This framework leverages the power of deep learning to learn motion representations directly from compressed video streams. By extracting and enhancing motion cues, DMC-Net improves the performance of compressed video action recognition tasks.

Tune-a-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models

Mike Z. Shou and his colleagues introduced Tune-a-Video, a framework for one-shot tuning of image diffusion models for text-to-video generation. This framework leverages the power of diffusion models and meta-learning techniques to adapt pre-trained models to specific video datasets. By fine-tuning the models with a small amount of target data, Tune-a-Video achieves impressive results in generating realistic videos from textual descriptions.

SF-Net: Single-Frame Supervision for Temporal Action Localization

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou proposed SF-Net, a novel approach to temporal action localization that only requires single-frame supervision. By leveraging the power of temporal attention mechanisms, SF-Net effectively localizes actions in untrimmed videos using only frame-level annotations. This approach significantly reduces the annotation effort while maintaining competitive performance.

Actor-Context-Actor Relation Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization

To capture the complex interactions between actors and their context, Mike Z. Shou and his team developed the Actor-Context-Actor Relation Network. This network leverages the spatial and temporal relationships between actors and their surrounding context to improve spatio-temporal action localization. By modeling these relations, the network achieves superior performance in identifying and localizing actions in videos.

Long-Term Temporal Features for Audio-Visual Active Speaker Detection

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou explored the use of long-term temporal features for audio-visual active speaker detection. This task involves identifying the speaker in a video based on both visual and audio cues. By incorporating long-term temporal information, the proposed method improves the robustness and accuracy of active speaker detection in challenging video scenarios.

Unified Video-Language Pre-Training

Mike Z. Shou and his colleagues investigated the concept of unified video-language pre-training, where a model is trained jointly on video and language data. By integrating visual and textual information, the model learns to understand the relationship between videos and their corresponding textual descriptions. This approach enables the model to perform various video understanding and generation tasks, including video captioning and retrieval.

Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos

To address the challenge of detecting the start of an action in untrimmed and streaming videos, Mike Z. Shou and his team proposed an online detection approach. This approach leverages the temporal dynamics of actions and dynamically adjusts the action detection threshold based on the observed video content. By continuously analyzing the video stream, the method achieves real-time action start detection.

Channel Augmented Joint Learning for Visible-Infrared Recognition

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou explored the domain of visible-infrared recognition and proposed Channel Augmented Joint Learning. This approach leverages the complementary information present in both visible and infrared modalities to improve recognition performance. By jointly learning from both modalities, the model achieves superior results in cross-modal recognition tasks.

Temporal Convolution Based Action Proposal

Mike Z. Shou and his colleagues introduced a novel approach to temporal action proposal using temporal convolution. This method leverages the power of convolutional operators to generate action proposals directly from video frames. By adaptively selecting and ranking the proposals based on their temporal consistency, the method facilitates efficient action localization in untrimmed videos.

CDSA: Cross-Dimensional Self-Attention for Time Series Imputation

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou investigated the problem of time series imputation using Cross-Dimensional Self-Attention (CDSA). This approach exploits the relationships between different dimensions of the time series data to improve the accuracy of missing value imputation. By modeling the dependencies between dimensions, CDSA achieves superior imputation performance compared to traditional methods.

Generic Event Boundary Detection: A Benchmark for Event Segmentation

To facilitate research in event segmentation, Mike Z. Shou and his team introduced the Generic Event Boundary Detection benchmark. This benchmark provides a standardized evaluation framework for event segmentation algorithms, enabling researchers to compare and benchmark their approaches. By defining a common evaluation metric and dataset, the benchmark promotes the development of more accurate and robust event segmentation methods.

Object-Aware Video-Language Pre-Training for Retrieval

In collaboration with other researchers, Mike Z. Shou explored the concept of object-aware video-language pre-training for retrieval tasks. This approach involves training a model to understand the relationship between objects in videos and their textual descriptions. By learning to align visual and textual information, the model achieves impressive performance in video retrieval tasks, enabling users to find relevant videos based on textual queries.

Temporal action localization in untrimmed videos via multi-stage cnns

Z Shou, D Wang, SF Chang
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
1041 2016
Cdc: Convolutional-de-convolutional networks for precise temporal action localization in untrimmed videos

Z Shou, J Chan, A Zareian, K Miyazawa, SF Chang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …
645 2017
Convnet architecture search for spatiotemporal feature learning

D Tran, J Ray, Z Shou, SF Chang, M Paluri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.05038
461 2017
Single shot temporal action detection

T Lin, X Zhao, Z Shou
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 988-996
451 2017
Ego4d: Around the world in 3,000 hours of egocentric video

K Grauman, A Westbury, E Byrne, Z Chavis, A Furnari, R Girdhar, …
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
403 2022
Autoloc: Weakly-supervised temporal action localization in untrimmed videos

Z Shou, H Gao, L Zhang, K Miyazawa, SF Chang
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 154-171
280 2018
Tune-a-video: One-shot tuning of image diffusion models for text-to-video generation

JZ Wu, Y Ge, X Wang, SW Lei, Y Gu, Y Shi, W Hsu, Y Shan, X Qie, …
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …
183 2023
Low-shot learning via covariance-preserving adversarial augmentation networks

H Gao, Z Shou, A Zareian, H Zhang, SF Chang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31
147 2018
Deep tensor admm-net for snapshot compressive imaging

J Ma, XY Liu, Z Shou, X Yuan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …
138 2019
Dmc-net: Generating discriminative motion cues for fast compressed video action recognition

Z Shou, X Lin, Y Kalantidis, L Sevilla-Lara, M Rohrbach, SF Chang, Z Yan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …
133 2019
Actor-context-actor relation network for spatio-temporal action localization

J Pan, S Chen, MZ Shou, Y Liu, J Shao, H Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
127 2021
Sf-net: Single-frame supervision for temporal action localization

F Ma, L Zhu, Y Yang, S Zha, G Kundu, M Feiszli, Z Shou
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …
127 2020
Is someone speaking? exploring long-term temporal features for audio-visual active speaker detection

R Tao, Z Pan, RK Das, X Qian, MZ Shou, H Li
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 3927-3935
120 2021
All in one: Exploring unified video-language pre-training

J Wang, Y Ge, R Yan, Y Ge, KQ Lin, S Tsutsui, X Lin, G Cai, J Wu, Y Shan, …
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
116 2023
Channel augmented joint learning for visible-infrared recognition

M Ye, W Ruan, B Du, MZ Shou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …
106 2021
Online detection of action start in untrimmed, streaming videos

Z Shou, J Pan, J Chan, K Miyazawa, H Mansour, A Vetro, X Giro-i-Nieto, …
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 534-551
103* 2018
Temporal convolution based action proposal: Submission to activitynet 2017

T Lin, X Zhao, Z Shou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06750
75 2017
CDSA: cross-dimensional self-attention for multivariate, geo-tagged time series imputation

J Ma, Z Shou, A Zareian, H Mansour, A Vetro, SF Chang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.09904
65 2019
Object-aware video-language pre-training for retrieval

J Wang, Y Ge, G Cai, R Yan, X Lin, Y Shan, X Qie, MZ Shou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …
60 2022
Unified transformer tracker for object tracking

F Ma, MZ Shou, L Zhu, H Fan, Y Xu, Y Yang, Z Yan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
59 2022


Mike Z. Shou’s contributions to temporal action localization in untrimmed videos have significantly advanced the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. His innovative approaches, including multi-stage CNNs, precise temporal action localization with CDC, and weakly-supervised learning frameworks, have improved the accuracy and efficiency of action detection and localization. Furthermore, his research in low-shot learning, egocentric videos, and cross-modal recognition has expanded the scope of video analysis tasks. With his ongoing efforts to explore new frontiers in computer vision, Mike Z. Shou continues to shape the future of this rapidly evolving field.


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