HomeFellowshipsGraça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth -Intergenerational (WCW-I) 2024

Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth -Intergenerational (WCW-I) 2024

Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth -Intergenerational (WCW-I) 2024 – We are excited to announce the expansion of the Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth -Intergenerational (WCW-I) edition in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation. The program aims to transform Africa’s economies through meaningful support to women entrepreneurs to enable them to grow and in so doing, uplift their communities and productive exchange and collaboration between women.

The Challenge

Africa stands as a global leader in female entrepreneurship, with women constituting 58% of the continent’s self-employed population. Despite this, a recent World Bank report, ‘Profiting from Parity’, reveals that women entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan Africa face challenges in achieving substantial profits and scaling their businesses. The pivotal role of Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in Africa cannot be overstated; these businesses are vital engines for job creation, economic growth, and poverty reduction. In diverse sectors such as agriculture, technology, and services, SMMEs contribute to skill development and inclusive progress.


  • Young and established women who are operating a business in at least one of the following countries at the date of application:
    • Kenya
    • Malawi
    • Senegal
    • South Africa
    • Tanzania
    • Zambia
  • Age: 18years and above.
  • Must have completed secondary school education.
  • Have an annual business turnover of between USD 10,000 to USD 500,000 or the equivalent of the local currency.
  • Have business experience of at least 2 years of operating any form of business.
  • You are not presently engaged in another entrepreneurship support program lasting longer than a week.
  • Your business currently employs a minimum of 5 young people and demonstrates the potential to expand further, creating additional job opportunities for the youth.
  • Have an operational business or a product/service that can be tested in the market with the potential for growth and impact.
  • Businesses can be sole proprietorships, partnerships, companies, cooperatives, or groups.
  • Business must fall within any of the following sectors:
    • Agriculture
    • Tourism
    • Manufacturing and Value addition
    • Transport and Infrastructure
    • Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
    • Building & Construction
    • Trade and services
    • Renewable Energy/Green Energy.

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The program duration is 10 months:

  • 5 months of blended learning: recommended time commitment is 4-6 hours per week
  • 5 months aftercare: 2-3 hours per week
  • Upon completion of all required assignments and tasks you will receive:
    • A Women Creating Wealth certificate of completion
    • An invitation to be part of a vibrant WCW business community to stay inspired and have support on your journey of wealth creation.

The Ignite course will be offered on an online platform (Learner Management System)– therefore, you need to have access to the internet.

  • There will be self-learning sessions, coaching sessions and peer-to-peer learning opportunities
  • There will be virtual networking sessions/roundtables/workshops.
  • There will be opportunities for face-to-face workshops and networking sessions.

For more Information: Visit the website for Graça Machel Trust’s Women Creating Wealth -Intergenerational (WCW-I) 2024


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