HomeCall for ApplicationGDG Dar es Salaam for Google I/O Extended - Call for Speakers...

GDG Dar es Salaam for Google I/O Extended – Call for Speakers 2024

GDG Dar es Salaam for Google I/O Extended – Call for Speakers 2024. Join GDG Dar es Salaam for Google I/O Extended, a chance to connect with your local developer community and experience the latest announcements from Google I/O 2024!

This is a great opportunity for:

  • Developers of all levels to learn about the latest tools and technologies from Google.
  • Students interested in a career in tech to connect with experienced developers.
  • Anyone passionate about staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in the tech industry.

Wish to be a speaker? Register here to share your knowledge and experience with the local developer community by becoming a speaker for this event, gain recognition as a thought leader in your field, network with other developers and industry professionals and get valuable feedback on your presentation skills.

Call opens at 12:00 AM

12 Jun 2024


Call closes at 11:59 PM

19 Jun 2024

Call closes in E. Africa Standard Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.

Closing time in your timezone (Africa/Lagos) is 19 Jun 2024 9:59 pm.

  • We’re looking for passionate developers and tech enthusiasts to share their knowledge and experiences at Google I/O Extended Dar es Salaam!

If you’re interested in speaking, please be sure your submission meets the following conditions:

  • Topic Relevance: Your session should focus on Google technologies and platforms or be relevant to the local developer community’s interests.
  • Target Audience: Tailor your content to developers of various experience levels, from beginners to professionals.
  • Session Format: We accept proposals for both technical sessions (30-45 minutes) and interactive workshops (60-90 minutes).
  • Presentation Quality: Deliver a clear, engaging presentation with valuable takeaways for the audience.

What to Expect from Submitted Sessions:

During the selection process, we will be looking for proposals that demonstrate the following:

A clear and concise session description: Briefly outline the topic, key takeaways, and its relevance to Google technologies.

Your expertise: Share your background and experience that qualifies you to speak on the chosen subject.

Engaging presentation style: We encourage interactive sessions that promote audience participation and discussion.

Do not worry, we will guide you throughout the process!

For more Information: GDG Dar es Salaam for Google I/O Extended


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