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Zuyd Hogeschool Library – Google scholar

Zuyd Hogeschool Library – Google scholar

Google Scholar

About Google Scholar

Google Scholar is Google’s scientific search engine. Using Google Scholar, instead of regular Google, leads you to reliable, scholarly information. Unfortunately, the full text of the articles may not be available.

Note, though, that there are two major exceptions:

  • Content owned by Zuyd Library
  • Open Access Journal articles

How to link Google Scholar to the Zuyd content

When using Google Scholar, Zuyd students and staff may profit from Zuyd Library’s electronic database subscriptions. To make the best use of Google Scholar you have to link it to the Zuyd content.
You can do that in two ways

Option 1:
Adjust the settings in Google Scholar and select the
Full-text@zuyd link

The infoclip below will show you how to do this.


zuyd libraryOption 2: 
Add Library Access to your favorite browser.

The infoclip below will show you how to do this.

Infoclips about Google Scholar (Playlist)

Click here for all Google Scholar Infoclips

About Google Advanced Search

Web search engines like Google return a high quantity of results from the full range of sources available on the web. Though temptingly familiar, it is usually not recommended as the best place to start scholarly research. Even so, your search can be more effective by using the Advanced Search Screen.

The infoclip below will show you how to use Google Advanced Search.

Zuyd Hogeschool Library – Google scholar


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