HomeCall for ApplicationWomen’s Networking Zone (WNZ) - Application to host a Session At AIDS...

Women’s Networking Zone (WNZ) – Application to host a Session At AIDS Conference In Munich

Women’s Networking Zone (WNZ) – Application to host a Session At AIDS Conference In Munich.

The Women’s Networking Zone (WNZ) is a vital space for feminist networking within the responses to HIV and AIDS. For two decades, the WNZ has evolved as a crucial and time-honoured space for women to connect and collaborate, curated through feminist collaboration, and convened at global AIDS conferences and other regional spaces. Organizations of women, including networks of women living with HIV, have hosted and convened the WNZ at global AIDS conferences and other global policy spaces on the Global HIV response.

The WNZ has been nurtured through intersectional and cross-movement cooperation between women living with HIV, feminist and women’s rights groups, which has been essential to sustaining the impact of the WNZ over time. The WNZ holds the global HIV response accountable to women and girls in all our diversity.

A group of women’s rights organizations, feminist movements, networks of women living with HIV, women who use drugs, and young feminists have come together to collectively curate, co-create, and co-design the Women’s Networking Zone at the 2024 AIDS Conference to be held in Munich, Germany.

If you are a feminist network, young feminist movement, or a women’s rights group planning to attend the AIDS Conference, you are invited to submit an application to host a workshop, session, interactive dialogue, or any other activity (45 minutes to 1 hour) at the WNZ.

Apply until June 7th!

Note: We encourage sessions in other languages (French, Spanish, and Arabic).

Note: The Women’s Networking Zone does not offer any financial or travel support; we are reaching out to those confirmed to be in Munich.


For more Information: Visit the website for The Women’s Networking Zone (WNZ)


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