HomeGoogle Scholar WebsiteUsing Simon Fraser University Library Links with google scholar

Using Simon Fraser University Library Links with google scholar

Using Simon Fraser University Library Links with google scholar

Access the Library’s full text resources with Google Scholar library links and button.

Get access to full text from SFU Library sources when searching Google Scholar for scholarly journal articles even when you are off-campus.

Use the Google Scholar browser button to automatically search Google Scholar for article citations on a webpage or from any highlighted or selected citations on a webpage.

Use the SFU library links in Google Scholar in conjunction with the Google Scholar button to connect to the library’s subscription content.

  1. Go to the Google Scholar Settings.
  2. Click on Library links.
  3. Search for Simon Fraser and choose ‘Simon Fraser University – Get@SFU’ and Save.
  4. Go back to the Settings and click on “Account” and enable ‘Signed-in off-campus access links’. This lets you take your library subscriptions with you whether you are on campus or not.
    • To retain the SFU Library link, you must turn on cookies in our browser settings.
    • If you clear your browser cookies, you will need to reset the library links each time you search Google Scholar.

Set up the Google Scholar browser button

Install the button in your browser

The Google Scholar button works with these browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge


  1. Go to Google Scholar Settings,
  2. Click on Button and Save.


  1. Go to the Google Scholar Firefox Mozilla Add-on website.
  2. Click on the blue + Add to Firefox button and then Add.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Find the Google Scholar Button in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store.
  2. Click on Get and then Add Extension.
  1. Click on the Google Scholar button.
  2. Click on the gear icon for settings to access Google Scholar settings for your browser session.
  3. Click on Library links.
  4. Search for Simon Fraser and choose ‘Simon Fraser University – Get@SFU’ and Save.
  5. Then go back to the Settings and click on “Account” and enable ‘Signed-in off-campus access links’. This lets you take your library subscriptions with you whether you are on campus or not.
    • To retain the SFU Library link, you must turn on cookies in our browser settings.
    • If you clear your browser cookies, you will need to reset the library links each time you search Google Scholar.

When the “Simon Fraser University – Get@SFU” library link is enabled in Google Scholar’s library links, you will see “Get@SFU” links next to article citations found in Google Scholar which will direct you to the Library’s online resources.

Get@SFU library links next to Google Scholar results

Using the Google Scholar button on an article webpage

Click on the Google Scholar button from any article webpage to search Google Scholar for full text options and/or the Get@SFU library link.

Using the Google Scholar button on an article webpage

In the above example, selecting Get@SFU will redirect you to the Library’s full text subscription of the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice on the Project Muse website.

Highlighting an article citation on a webpage and using the Google Scholar button

Highlight an article citation on any webpage to search Google Scholar for full text links and the SFU Library’s Get@SFU link. 


Highlighting a citation on a webpage and clicking on the Google Scholar button


Steps for using the Google Scholar button:

  1. Highlight an article citation on a webpage.
  2. Click on the Google Scholar button on your browser.
  3. Click on Get@SFU to find the full text article.

Privacy statement

Google Scholar does not require account creation.  View Google’s privacy policy.

Other options for gaining access to Library online resources

See Accessing online resources from off campus for other tools and options that allow you to gain ready access to material the Library subscribes to on your behalf.

Google Scholar

Scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.


Authentication note

SFU Authorized users can obtain full text links to SFU Library resources, by going to Google Scholar Settings and clicking on Library links. Then type and select Simon Fraser University – Get@SFU and Save.
OR use the Off Campus and Wireless Access Bookmarklet to gain access to the full text licensed by SFU Library.

Content type

Partial full-text database

Open access



AnthropologyBiological SciencesBiomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK)Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK) – SportsCommunicationContemporary ArtsDanceEducationEducation, Arts EducationEducation, Counselling PsychologyEducation, Diversity in Curriculum and InstructionEducation, Educational PsychologyEducation, French LanguageEducation, Indigenous PeoplesEducation, Physical EducationEducation, Professional Development Program (PDP)Educational LeadershipEducational TechnologyFilmGender, Sexuality, and Women’s StudiesGeneral & MultidisciplinaryGlobal HealthHealth Care & EpidemiologyHealth SciencesPublic HealthSociologyTheatreVisual Arts



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