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University of Las vegas Libraries – Tracking Google scholar Citations

University of Las vegas Libraries – Tracking Google scholar Citations

How does Google Scholar help with my published scholarship?

You’ve probably heard of and possibly used Google Scholar as a scholarly search engine. Users can search for journal articles, conference papers, theses and dissertations, books, and more across the disciplines. Authors can create profiles using their Google accounts (like your UNLV.edu email address!) and claim authorship on their works that are available in Google’s database.

You can also upload your previously published scholarship from Google Scholar to your ORCID account using Bibtex!

Complete today’s challenge!

Begin tracking your citation in Google Scholar in just 3 easy steps!

  1. Create your account in Google Scholar
    1. Visit https://scholar.google.com/
    2. Click “My Profile” in the upper left corner
    3. Sign in to your Google account (Note: You can use your unlv.edu email or another account)
    4. Fill in any missing information, such as affiliation, and add keywords
  2. Add or claim your publications
    1. You’ll be ask to verify a list of publications Google Scholar thinks you authored
    2. Check the box of the ones you did author to add them to your profile
    3. Adjust your settings – do you want Google Scholar to automatically add new publications? Do you want your profile public?
  3. Track your citations!
    1. In your newly populated profile, click “View All” to check out what citations Google Scholar was able to locate
    2. Add any co-authors and click the + icon to add any publications that may have been missed
    3. Click the “Follow” button to receive a notification when Google Scholar finds a new citation of your scholarship.

Bonus challenge

Find your h-index using Google Scholar!

Did you know? The h-index is an author-level metric that was designed to measure research quality over time, accounting for both the scholarly productivity and the research impact of the author. You can learn more about how the h-index is calculated on the Libraries guide to Bibliometrics and Altmetrics.

Authors can check their h-index in Google Scholar by visiting their profile and viewing the “Cited by” section on the right side of the screen. (Here is an example profile for you to check out.)

Events to help with today’s challenge

The Researcher’s Guide to Citation-Based Metrics
Instructor: Christina Miskey
Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Online via Zoom

Metrics, particularly those calculated based on citations, have been used for selecting journals to publish in, evaluation of author and publication prestige, and more for many years. These so-called measurements of impact can often be difficult to navigate and understand when and how to use them, and are frequently subject to bias, exclusivity and gaming. This workshop is for anyone, at any career stage, that has questions and wants to learn the good, the bad, and the ugly about citation-based metrics.

View the recording.

University of Las vegas Libraries – Tracking Google scholar Citations


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