HomeFellowshipsThe Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) Fellowship Program

The Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) Fellowship Program

The Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) Fellowship Program – The AYF Fellowship is a 9-month live-in working program on Awaji Island, Japan at the home of the Awaji Youth Federation, Manabi no Sato. It provides selected Fellows with the opportunity to challenge themselves and hone their individual skills in a multicultural environment that reflects both the needs of the Japanese workplace and the opportunities that come with a flexibly structured and stimulating `learning by doing` structure.

Guided by the philosophy of `Turning your Imagination into Action`, AYF works under the umbrella of the Pasona Group towards sustainable business solutions for society`s problems. AYF Fellows have a special chance to bring a unique global perspective to a highly localized regional community on Awaji Island in Japan.


Ideal Candidate

Your Profile

  • Experience: You’ve got 2-3 years of experience in one of our Fellowship focus areas. You thrive in startup environments and fast-paced settings, and you’re ready to take your skills to the next level.
  • Age: In principle, you’re between 24-30 years old and ready to dive into this exciting opportunity. Individuals are assessed on merit, however we do not consider that the Fellowship is an appropriate opportunity for people aged 35 and above or. Those with significant  family and marital commitments should inform the Secretariat upon applying.
  • Education: You hold a Bachelor’s degree or above as a legal requirement for the working visa, and showcasing your commitment to continuous learning and growth.
  • Language Skills: You’re fluent in English (TOEIC 800 or equivalent), and if you’ve got a handle on Japanese (JLPT N1-N3), that’s a huge plus!

Soft Skills that Shine

  • Hard Work and Discipline: You’re not afraid to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort to make things happen. Your discipline keeps you focused on achieving your goals.
  • Empathy and Care: You understand the importance of caring for others and believe in the power of collaboration and support within a team.
  • Flexibility and Perseverance: You adapt to new challenges with ease and keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles come your way.
  • Action-Oriented: You’re not just full of great ideas—you have the drive and determination to turn those ideas into reality.


  • Monthly Salary (Base salary + Overtime):JPY 197,000
  • Government Taxes, Pension and Insurance fees will be deducted
  • Japanese class fees will be deducted
  • Accommodation & Utilities included


  • Individual room in either Japanese or Western style
  • Utility costs such as electricity and Wi-Fi are included


Although Fellows are responsible for their own food, Pasona can offer discounted meals. We cannot guarantee these meals fit all dietary restrictions.


  • 5 days a week of working & learning
  • 10 days of paid leave available six months into the Fellowship.

Application will start in April and will be open until the 31st of May, 2024.

Interviews will be scheduled on a rolling basis.

For more Information: Visit the website for The Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) Fellowship Program


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