HomeGoogle Scholar WebsiteHow to Link Hunter College Libraries with Google scholar

How to Link Hunter College Libraries with Google scholar

Link Hunter College Libraries with Google scholar

Google Scholar Library Links

Follow these steps the first time you use Google Scholar to link to articles available in Hunter College Libraries’ databases.

Google Scholar Menu

  • Choose Settings from the menu options

Google Scholar Settings

  • On the Settings page, select Library Links.
  • Enter Hunter College in the search box under “Show library access links for” and click the search icon.
  • Hunter College Library – Fulltext at Hunter will now be listed underneath the search box with a check box in front of it.
  • Click the check box to select it and then hit Save.

Google Scholar Library Links

Google Scholar is now customized to provide links to sources available in Hunter College Libraries‘ databases.


Hunter College Libraries’ core mission is to provide equitable access to information, spaces, and expertise to the Hunter College community. They support students’ academic success and personal development by working with them at their points of need within the libraries, online, and in the classroom. They collaborate with Hunter faculty and staff, supporting their scholarly and creative work. Through thier work, collections, and spaces, they seek to inspire curiosity, support exploration and collaboration, and help students develop skills that contribute to lifelong learning.


  • openness, access: making sure that the libraries are safe, welcoming, comfortable, and accessible to all
  • diversity, inclusion, community: fostering environments that value and connect diverse ideas and identities in order to build community
  • collaboration, cooperation, relationships: both within the libraries and in the larger Hunter community, with students, staff, and faculty
  • equity, empathy, social justice, respect: in our interpersonal interactions, as we develop our collections, and teach our classes
  • creativity, exploration, experimentation: embracing failure as part of a process that supports growth, development, and improvement

These values are reflected in our diverse collections, flexible spaces, and in our work with students, faculty, staff, and library colleagues.


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