HomeGoogle Scholar WebsiteHow to Become a Google Scholar: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Become a Google Scholar: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Become a Google Scholar: A Step-by-Step Guide -If you’re an academic author looking to showcase your research and increase your visibility in the scholarly community, becoming a Google Scholar is a great way to achieve that. Google Scholar Profiles provide a simple and effective way to highlight your academic publications, track citations, and compute various citation metrics. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up and maintaining your Google Scholar Profile, as well as provide tips on maximizing its impact.

Setting Up Your Google Scholar Profile

To get started, follow these simple steps to create your author profile:

  1. Sign in to your Google account: If you don’t have one, create a personal Google account to ensure you have full control over your profile.
  2. Access the Scholar profile sign-up form: Open the form and confirm the spelling of your name.
  3. Enter your affiliation and interests: Provide information about your university or institution, as well as your research interests.
  4. Add your articles: On the next page, you’ll see groups of articles written by authors with similar names. Add all the articles you’ve authored by searching for their titles, keywords, or your name. You can also manually add articles if they’re not found in the search results.
  5. Choose your update preferences: Decide whether you want your articles to be updated automatically or if you prefer to review and update them manually.
  6. Add the finishing touches: Upload a professional-looking photo, verify your university email address, and double-check the list of articles. Once you’re satisfied, make your profile public.

Adding Missing Articles to Your Profile

If you realize that some of your articles are missing from your profile, you can easily add them by following these steps:

  1. Access the “Add articles” option: Click on the menu and select “Add articles”.
  2. Search for your articles: Use titles, keywords, or your name to search for the missing articles. If you can’t find them, select “Add article manually” and enter the necessary information.
  3. Add article groups: If you’ve written articles under different names or collaborated with different groups of colleagues, you may need to select multiple groups.
  4. Update your citation metrics: Your metrics will be updated immediately to reflect the newly added articles.

Managing and Editing Your Profile

It’s important to regularly review and update your Google Scholar Profile to ensure its accuracy and maximize its impact. Here are some common tasks you may need to perform:

  1. Removing articles that aren’t yours: If you find articles in your profile that were written by others, simply select the articles and click the “Delete” button.
  2. Restoring mistakenly deleted articles: If you accidentally delete an article, you can easily restore it by accessing the Trash folder, selecting the article, and clicking the “Restore” button.
  3. Correcting article descriptions: Click on the title of the article and select the “Edit” button to make changes to the description. If the “Edit” button is not visible, sign in to your Google account.
  4. Merging duplicate records: If you have multiple versions of the same article in your profile, you can merge them to avoid duplication. Simply select both versions and click the “Merge” button.
  5. Fixing incorrect “Cited by” counts: If you notice discrepancies in your citation counts, such as missing or double-counted citations, you can manually update them by merging or unmerging articles as necessary.

Making Your Profile Public

To increase your visibility and ensure your profile appears in Google Scholar search results, you need to make your profile public. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Access the “Edit” button: Click on the “Edit” button next to your name.
  2. Check the “Make my profile public” box: This will allow others to view your profile.
  3. Share your profile: You can share the URL of your public profile on your homepage, via email to colleagues, or on social media platforms. The link will only allow others to view your profile and not make changes to it.
  4. Reverting to a private profile: If you change your mind and want to make your profile private again, simply uncheck the “Make my profile public” box and save the changes.

Exploring Citations to Your Articles

One of the key benefits of being a Google Scholar is the ability to track citations to your articles. Here’s how you can access and utilize this information:

  1. Viewing the list of citations: Click on the “Cited by” number for any of your articles to see the list of papers that cite it.
  2. Analyzing the citation graph: Click on the title of an article to see its citation graph, which visualizes the growth of citations over time.
  3. Getting notified about new citations: Click the “Follow” button next to your name and select the “New citations to my articles” option to receive email notifications whenever new articles cite your work.
  4. Monitoring citations to specific articles: Click the “Cited by” number for a particular article and then click the envelope icon in the left sidebar to receive email notifications for new citations to that specific article.

Understanding Public Access Mandates

Public access mandates require that articles describing funded research should be publicly available. Google Scholar provides a Public Access section in your profile to help you comply with these mandates. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Checking public availability: The Public Access section displays articles that are expected to be publicly available based on funding agency mandates.
  2. Verifying article availability: If an article has a publicly available version, it will be marked with a [PDF] or [HTML] link.
  3. Adding publicly available articles: You can update the list of articles in the Public Access section and make corrections as necessary. You can also make an article publicly available by uploading a PDF to your Google Drive.
  4. Understanding funding agency requirements: Public Access Reports for Agencies provide summary statistics about public access mandates for different funding agencies. You can access these reports to understand the level of public availability required by various agencies.

Updating Your Profile

To keep your profile up to date and ensure accurate citation metrics, follow these steps:

  1. Configuring article updates: Select “Configure article updates” from the menu and choose the automatic updates setting. This will ensure that your list of articles is automatically updated whenever Google Scholar is updated.
  2. Adding missing articles: If a recent article you’ve written is not automatically added to your profile, use the “Add articles” option to search for it or add it manually.
  3. Stopping automated updates: If you no longer want automated updates, access the “Configure article updates” option and choose the confirmation email setting. You’ll receive email notifications for updates that you can review and apply manually.
  4. Maintaining changes made to articles: Automated updates will not override any changes you’ve made to an article. Your edits will be preserved.


Becoming a Google Scholar is a valuable step for academic authors looking to increase their visibility and showcase their research. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can create and maintain a comprehensive Google Scholar Profile that accurately reflects your academic contributions. Regularly updating and managing your profile will ensure its accuracy and maximize its impact within the scholarly community. So, take the first step today and start building your Google Scholar Profile to enhance your academic presence.


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