HomeGoogle Scholar WebsiteFinding Resources Using Google Scholar

Finding Resources Using Google Scholar

Finding Resources Using Google Scholar .Google Scholar provides access to scholarly content freely available on the internet.

It can be a good starting point for your research and you can link the website to Locate, the library catalogue.

What can I find on Google Scholar?

A wide variety of resources are available on Google Scholar including journal articles, ebooks, and conference papers. You will also find dissertations, theses, and unpublished versions of articles.

Where an article is available in full text, a link to the PDFHTML, or DOC will appear on the right side of the screen. You will also find sources that require payment to view in full, as well as references to printed books and journals that are not available online.

Limitations of Google Scholar

It is important to evaluate your sources from Google Scholar for credibility as not all publications will be peer-reviewed. Assess whether the source is a suitable for inclusion in your assignment as Google’s definition of scholarly may not be the same as your tutor’s definition.

There is often a time delay before journal articles appear on Google scholar and you may miss out on relevant articles if you do not combine your search with other research sources.

Advanced searching


Use the Advanced search found on the menu icon (three small horizontal lines)on the left side for quicker searching to find specific author, publication, legal information etc.

Advance search on Google Scholar


Linking to Locate

There is also the functionality to link to Locate to search for articles held by our Library.

  • Select Settings from the menu option
  • Select Library links
  • Search for Coventry and select Coventry University – Locate it
  • Untick the Open WorldCat option
  • Save your changes at the bottom.

Google Scholar linking to Locate

You will now see the Locate it link in the search results. This will link you to the article when available from Coventry University. If the article is also not found Locate, you can request a copy from the Document Supply Service.

Citing sources from Google Scholar

When viewing an article, click on the quotation mark to get an APA reference and/or download to EndNote or RefWorks. Cited by shows journal articles that have referenced this article.

Citing sources from Google Scholar


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