HomeContestDiscovery Education UK Summer Coder Challenge 2024

Discovery Education UK Summer Coder Challenge 2024

Applications are onmgoing for the Discovery Education UK Summer Coder Challenge 2024. We’re asking your pupils to create a fun, engaging and interactive game to showcase all their coding talents… and it can be on anything they like.

We know children continually surprise us with their creativity, so let’s see what they can do!

The challenge will start on Monday 3rd June and all entries must be submitted by Friday 28th June.

We’ll send over more details about the challenge once you’re signed up.

Discovery Education UK Summer Coder ChallengePrize

It wouldn’t be a challenge without some prizes, and we’ve got some good ones.

There will be a KS1 winner and a KS2 winner who’ll receive their very own Coding robot, plus a FREE one-year subscription to Coding for their school too!

Each teacher can submit 2-3 pupils’ games for a chance to win, so what are you waiting for?

For more Information: Visit the website for Discovery Education UK Summer Coder Challenge 2024


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