HomeFellowshipsConnectas Fellowship Programme 2024

Connectas Fellowship Programme 2024

Connectas Fellowship Programme 2024 – CONNECTAS Fellowship seeks proposals that expose misuse of public resources, organized crime, human rights violations, abuses against vulnerable groups, cases of corporate corruption or crimes against the environment.The selected projects will receive editorial support, funds of up to USD 2,500 for their implementation and support for their dissemination at a regional level.

What kind of stories are we looking for?

Revealing stories that add value to the knowledge of a social phenomenon of national and regional importance. This implies reports with new and attractive information, helping to understand complex topics, not a more complete account of already known facts.

Ideally, we expect stories that reveal abuses by agents of power (political or economic) and that expose structural problems in society, rather than isolated cases. We also value positively if they expose the violation of the rights of vulnerable social groups.

What will the winners get?

Editorial Support

The selected proposals will be developed under the Editorial Alliance with CONNECTAS. You will receive personalized support from an editor from our Editorial Board , who will accompany you from the beginning of the project until its publication.


If your proposal is selected, you will receive funds between $1,000 and $2,500 , depending on the budget submitted, to cover research expenses and journalistic team fees.

Regional Dissemination

Your work will be published in CONNECTAS, the main platform that promotes collaborative journalism in Latin America, and allied media of our Information Community.

Journalistic Community

Once you publish your work, you can be part of #CONNECTASHub , a community made up of colleagues from all over Latin America and the Caribbean.

General conditions

  • Those admitted will have editorial freedom over their story. They must participate in the pedagogical editorial support process in which they will receive continuous feedback on their research. The proposals will have a period of four months to be carried out.
  • Those proposals that provide guarantees of prior reporting and knowledge of the subject will be considered with special interest; that have a strong investigative component, social impact and novelty; and where there is collaboration between journalists.
  • Those selected will accept the terms of republication of the research material, editorial support, security conditions under which the topics are followed up, and preparations for the final dissemination.
  • Proposals can be presented individually or as a team.
  • All publications must include audiovisual, multimedia or storytelling elements , carried out by the work team.


  • Be a practicing journalist in media or independent media, with a minimum of three years’ demonstrated experience.
  • Residing in a country in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Include in your application links to recent publications, preferably to research, in-depth work or reports.
  • The proposal must be in Spanish.
  • Only applications made through the Matrix CONNECTAS platform will be accepted.
  • It is essential that those interested do not have an ongoing scholarship with CONNECTAS.

Delivery of funds

  • Funds will be allocated between $1,000 and $2,500, depending on the complexity and budget of the story. In special cases, a larger budget may be considered (the disclosure components, innovative multimedia elements, the potential impact of the publication and transnational proposals will be evaluated in this aspect).
  • The four-month period for development is counted from acceptance for initial feasibility, while administrative procedures for the first disbursement are carried out.
  • The amount for each project, according to the budget, will be disbursed in different stages of the investigation. The first, after approving the initial feasibility and signing the Scholarship agreement.
  • The costs of banking transactions will be assumed by the beneficiary.

For more Information: Visit the website for Connectas Fellowship Programme 2024



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