HomeGoogle For ScholarBo Xing Citations: A Comprehensive Review of Research Articles

Bo Xing Citations: A Comprehensive Review of Research Articles

Bo Xing Citations: A Comprehensive Review of Research Articles – Bo Xing is a renowned researcher and physicist known for his significant contributions to various areas of condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, and mathematical modeling. His work has been highly cited and recognized in the scientific community. In this article, we will delve into a detailed analysis of several research articles authored or co-authored by Bo Xing, focusing on the key concepts, methodologies, and outcomes presented in each study.

Period Doubling in Period-One Steady States

In the article titled “Period Doubling in Period-One Steady States,” published in Physical Review E in 2018, Bo Xing, RRW Wang, GG Carlo, and D Poletti investigate the phenomenon of period doubling in steady states. They explore the dynamics of systems exhibiting a period-one steady state and demonstrate the emergence of period-doubling bifurcations. Through detailed numerical simulations and analysis, the authors provide insights into the underlying mechanisms driving the period doubling phenomenon.

Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model

In their study on the “Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model,” published in Physical Review Letters in 2021, Bo Xing, B Xing, WT Chiu, D Poletti, RT Scalettar, and G Batrouni employ quantum Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the behavior of the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. The SSH model is a paradigmatic model used to describe topological insulators. The authors provide valuable insights into the phase diagram of the SSH model, shedding light on the topological properties of the system.

Phase Diagram of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard Model on a Square Lattice

Another significant contribution by Bo Xing, C Feng, D Poletti, R Scalettar, and G Batrouni is presented in the article “Phase Diagram of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard Model on a Square Lattice,” published in Physical Review B in 2022. The authors explore the interplay between electron-electron interactions and lattice distortions in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model. By examining the phase diagram of the model on a square lattice, they uncover intriguing phases and transitions, further enriching our understanding of strongly correlated systems.

Heat, Particle, and Chiral Currents in a Boundary-Driven Bosonic Ladder in the Presence of a Gauge Field

Bo Xing, in collaboration with X Xu, V Balachandran, and D Poletti, investigates the behavior of a boundary-driven bosonic ladder in the presence of a gauge field in the article “Heat, Particle, and Chiral Currents in a Boundary-Driven Bosonic Ladder in the Presence of a Gauge Field,” published in Physical Review B in 2020. The authors study the transport properties, such as heat, particle, and chiral currents, in this system and highlight the role of the gauge field in shaping these currents.

Complexity of Spin Configurations Dynamics due to Unitary Evolution and Periodic Projective Measurements

HP Casagrande, Bo Xing, M Dalmonte, A Rodriguez, V Balachandran, and others explore the complexity of spin configurations dynamics in the article “Complexity of Spin Configurations Dynamics due to Unitary Evolution and Periodic Projective Measurements,” published in arXiv in 2023. Their research focuses on the interplay between unitary evolution and periodic projective measurements in spin systems. Through detailed numerical simulations, the authors shed light on the intricate dynamics and complexity arising from this interplay.

Attractive Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard Model on a Square Lattice Away from Half-Filling

The article “Attractive Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard Model on a Square Lattice Away from Half-Filling” by Bo Xing, C Feng, R Scalettar, GG Batrouni, and D Poletti, published in Physical Review B in 2023, investigates the behavior of the attractive Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model on a square lattice away from half-filling. The authors uncover various intriguing phases and transitions, shedding light on the effects of attractive interactions in these systems.

Interactions and Integrability in Weakly Monitored Hamiltonian Systems

Bo Xing, in collaboration with X Turkeshi, M Schiró, R Fazio, and D Poletti, explores the interactions and integrability in weakly monitored Hamiltonian systems in the article “Interactions and Integrability in Weakly Monitored Hamiltonian Systems,” published in arXiv in 2023. The authors investigate the dynamics of weakly monitored quantum systems and their relation to integrability. Their findings provide valuable insights into the interplay between interactions and monitoring in quantum systems.

Thermopower in a Boundary-Driven Bosonic Ladder in the Presence of a Gauge Field

In their study on “Thermopower in a Boundary-Driven Bosonic Ladder in the Presence of a Gauge Field,” Bo Xing, X Xu, V Balachandran, and D Poletti explore the thermoelectric properties of a boundary-driven bosonic ladder coupled to a gauge field. Published in Physical Review B in 2022, the authors analyze the thermopower and unveil the role of the gauge field in modulating the thermoelectric response of the system.

Magnetization Transport in XXZ Spin Chains

A Chaudhary, C Yeoh Kai Xiang, V Athavle, X Bo, and D Poletti, in their publication “Magnetization Transport in XXZ Spin Chains” in the IRC-SET 2020 Proceedings, focus on the transport properties of magnetization in XXZ spin chains. The authors investigate the dynamics and propagation of magnetization in these systems, shedding light on the fundamental aspects of spin transport.


Period doubling in period-one steady states

RRW Wang, B Xing, GG Carlo, D Poletti
Physical Review E 97 (2), 020202
49 2018
Quantum monte carlo simulations of the 2d su-schrieffer-heeger model

B Xing, WT Chiu, D Poletti, RT Scalettar, G Batrouni
Physical Review Letters 126 (1), 017601
47 2021
Phase diagram of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model on a square lattice

C Feng, B Xing, D Poletti, R Scalettar, G Batrouni
Physical Review B 106 (8), L081114
21 2022
Heat, particle, and chiral currents in a boundary driven bosonic ladder in the presence of a gauge field

B Xing, X Xu, V Balachandran, D Poletti
Physical Review B 102 (24), 245433
6 2020
Complexity of spin configurations dynamics due to unitary evolution and periodic projective measurements

HP Casagrande, B Xing, M Dalmonte, A Rodriguez, V Balachandran, …
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.03334
4 2023
Attractive Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model on a square lattice away from half-filling

B Xing, C Feng, R Scalettar, GG Batrouni, D Poletti
Physical Review B 108 (16), L161103
1 2023
Interactions and integrability in weakly monitored Hamiltonian systems

B Xing, X Turkeshi, M Schiró, R Fazio, D Poletti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09133
1 2023
Thermopower in a boundary-driven bosonic ladder in the presence of a gauge field

B Xing, X Xu, V Balachandran, D Poletti
Physical Review B 105 (11), 115429
Magnetisation Transport in XXZ Spin Chains

A Chaudhary, C Yeoh Kai Xiang, V Athavle, X Bo, D Poletti
IRC-SET 2020: Proceedings of the 6th IRC Conference on Science, Engineering …

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Bo Xing’s research articles cover a wide range of topics in condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, and mathematical modeling. His contributions have significantly advanced our understanding of various phenomena and systems. Through his collaborations and innovative approaches, Bo Xing has made substantial contributions to the scientific community. This comprehensive review of his research articles provides valuable insights into the key concepts, methodologies, and outcomes of his work, further inspiring future research in these areas.


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